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    «Что ты видишь?» Пастор Андрей Шаповалов (03/11/24)

    Если задуматься, то твоё сознание это руль управления, который определяет направление твоей судьбы. То есть, наши жизни трансформируются поворотом нашего сознания. Мы все подсознательно движемся к образу в нашем сознании.

“Created for Pleasure and Delight” Pastor Andrey Shapovalov (09/22/24)

“Created for pleasure and delight"
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


We are all created by God to enter into our full potential, harmony and pleasure. We were created to live in Eden. (The meaning of this word is: PLEASURE AND DELIGHT)

(Gen. 2:19-23 NIV) 19 From the ground the LORD God made every beast of the field and every bird of the air. Then He brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the cattle, every bird of the air and every beast of the field. But for Adam there was no helper suitable for him. 21 Then the LORD God cast a deep sleep upon the man, and while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 From the rib which He had taken from the man, the LORD God made a woman and brought her to him. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from man.”

Because of my immaturity, I helped God very often and my hands were constantly in what God was doing. I lost many years, just to understand what I want to tell you in one hour.

After many failures, He practically put me to sleep; I stopped reacting to almost everything.
And then He began to get my dream and purpose out of me.

When you learn that everything is hidden by God within you, like in a seed, you will receive complete freedom. The wisdom of the Creator has already foreseen and prepared everything.

What does it mean to enter into your destiny and purpose from God? It is to enter into complete satisfaction, enjoyment and harmony in your life.

Satan works in a unique way in this area, he knows that you have everything within yourself and therefore, he sends people into your life who will constantly disappoint you and discourage you.

These individuals are sent by the enemy to convince you that you are nobody and will achieve nothing!!! (As Hannah had Peninah, Joseph had brothers, Nehemiah had Sanabalat, David had Goliath, etc. And so you stop yourself. But I want to tell you: You can do everything with Christ!!!

Satan knows that each of us has a hidden treasure inside, and he will definitely try to stop you and he is very good at it.

The three most important things in the life of every Christian, if you do not understand them, it will be very difficult for you to enter into your destiny.

1. Everything is inside you.
2. You must turn to your Creator.
2. You must fall asleep, so that God will bring out your dream.

First, God places a certain need or emptiness and watches what you will do with it. Most people begin to invent with their own hands, whatever comes into their heads, to satisfy the need.

Abraham did not want to wait to "fall asleep" and brought out his dream, with his own efforts, which to this day chasing his true promise of God.

We think we know everything we need to know, and then we bypass God and make our own decisions, then spend half our lives fixing what we did, blaming God.

Hannah had an emptiness, and no one could fix it but God. (Judges 6:2-16)
If you see a need or a void somewhere, God is the one who must fill it.

All the answers to all your questions are inside you, but only God can bring them out of you.

Tell me, does God create something imperfect? No. Then all needs are already answered, He created you with an emptiness and a need, so that He could reveal Himself to you personally and fill this void and deficiency.

(Psalm 23) The Lord is my shepherd; I will not lack.
Only when He is our shepherd, that is when we will not lack.

Trust Him completely and He will bring out of you what you never even dreamed of!

May the Heavenly Father bless you.



“Created for Pleasure and Delight”  100M

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