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    Often we do not understand why the King does not come to us, because we have not created the right Atmosphere for the King, we simply do not know or ignore the culture of the Kingdom of God.

«Kingdom Culture» Pastor Andrey Shapovalov (10/20/24)

«Kingdom Culture»
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


Often we do not understand why the King does not come to us, because we have not created the right Atmosphere for the King, we simply do not know or ignore the culture of the Kingdom of God.

We need to understand that just as every kingdom and country on earth has a certain culture, so the Heavenly Kingdom and the King have etiquette and the right position in which we come before Him. That is, we cannot do what we want, we must know the Culture of the Kingdom and the etiquette of the King.

In the beginning, God created Eden and the Atmosphere and then created man in this Atmosphere.

That is, as for fish - water, for birds - air, for plants - earth, for man Eden.

The word Eden in Hebrew has five lines and each of them has a meaning.

גן עדן is a place, a moment, a presence, an open door and a delightful place of enjoyment

1). Geographical Place. 2). Moment. 3). The Presence. 4). The Open Door. 5). The Place of Enjoyment.

That is, there was a place where the Father would come for a certain moment through the open door in the presence to enjoy with his creation.

And it was here that Adam was placed to be in the same Atmosphere as the Heavenly Father.
And it was always God's plan for His creation to live in this place.

That is why, more often than not, the children of God born of His Spirit are not satisfied and comfortable unless they are in the Atmosphere of the Kingdom and the tangible presence of God.

It is easier to understand this way: The big fish created the little fish, then created an aquarium and placed these fish in it.

We need exactly what our Father lives in. When it was time for God to place you in the right soil, He created an Atmosphere and placed us in it. And for real happiness, we need an Atmosphere.

Only His presence and Atmosphere give us real life.

That is why the Bible calls man a temple, because God himself wants to live in him. God does not want to live in the concrete walls of buildings.

Next, we could manage and function only from the Atmosphere of the Kingdom of Eden.
We have no right to function without the Atmosphere.
Just as fish, birds or plants are not able to function without their proper soil. That is, a fish can only function in its element (water). A bird can only live in the atmosphere and no further.

And therefore, everything that we do without presence and Atmosphere is not recognized in the spiritual world as our function.

God's goal from the beginning was to expand the boundaries of Eden, and with it the aisles of the Atmosphere, the Kingdom and the King. And it was we who were given this right, God will not spread across this earth without us.

When the disciples asked Jesus, teach us to pray?
He did not pray for the repentance of people, He did not pray for the prosperity of people, He did not ask the Father for healing, etc.
Notice where Jesus began... Our Father, who art in Heaven, Thy Kingdom come, and Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

From this prayer of the Son of God, it is clear that God's purposes have not changed from the very beginning. His purpose continues to be the building and spreading of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Understand, dear family, we need to learn to appear before the Creator of the entire Universe.

And so, how to create an Atmosphere that attracts the Heavenly Father to where you are.

The first and most important thing is to worship and exalt His Name. When you put everything aside and give Him your time, attention and love, the Father cannot help but react.

(Psalm 99:4 MDR) Enter His gates with songs of thanksgiving, enter His temple with praise, bless Him, praise His name.

Second, it is sacrifice, it can be anything, I have personally noticed that it is the real sacrifice out of love for Him that attracts His attention to where you are.

Third, it is faith, namely radical faith, that attracts God's attention, because radical faith is the platform for the movement of His Kingdom.

- We as a Church need to learn the language that the King of kings speaks. It is the etiquette, protocol and culture of the Kingdom.

David learned this language of God so well that he became one of God's favorite sons.

When I had an encounter with Jesus, it completely changed my attitude towards the King of the Universe. It freed me from familiarity forever.

You know who can act familiar in the presence of God?
Someone who has never met Him face to face.

I feel very sorry for those who refuse to learn the etiquette and culture of the Kingdom, they keep demanding something from God and never receive it because they do not know how to enter His presence.

People get frustrated and angry when they demand something from God, but He is silent. Understand, God is not silent, He is just waiting for His children to learn His language, His etiquette and His Culture.

Many people think that God's move, His Atmosphere and His mercy happen by accident, like someone winning a lottery, absolutely not, it happens to those who have learned the language and etiquette of God and know the Culture of His Kingdom.

Understand, God does not demand everything I am saying, but He reacts to it very much.

I have made a permanent decision to learn the language and etiquette of the Kingdom of God and to live in the Atmosphere created by God for me.

May the Heavenly Father bless you.


«Kingdom Culture»  100M

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