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Pastor Andrey Shapovalov "A Place for Sons" (04/14/24)

“A place for sons”
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


It is no secret to anyone here what season we are in, we are in the season of entering Sonship and the Atmosphere of the Throne Room.

Today this is exactly what we will talk about, about the secret of one of the names of the Father, which the sons absolutely need to know.

In the physical world, time controls everything and for something to happen, we need to wait.

The spirit lives outside of time; the spirit cannot be bound by time, since it is outside of time.

Through your born again spirit, you will have access to things and revelations, that do not yet exist in the physical world.

How David had access to the revelation about Jesus Christ?

I have a question, why did David have such privilege? Because David lived in the Spirit and learned to enter into the Spirit through the Tabernacle, that God revealed to him.

That is, David knew how to enter the Atmosphere of the Throne Room, through Praise and Worship; he knew how to enter the Throne room of God

Understand, that it is this tabernacle that is being restored right now.

(Amos 9:11 NIV) “In that day I will restore the fallen tabernacle of David, I will mend its cracks, I will restore the ruins, I will rebuild it as in the days of old.

Why is Heavenly Father rebuilding the Tabernacle of David? Because this is His Place for His sons and the Bride of Christ.

How can the Creator, who lives outside of time, meet His sons, who live in time? Create a place for them, EDEN or THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID.

Understand in the physical world, you are always observing what God was doing, you are always late, this is a prototype of religion, they are always where God was, but not where God is.

But in the Tabernacle in His Presence, you're always right where God is.
This is precisely His Name “I AM” “I AM”

So understand what Jesus is saying here, that the Father seeks to be worshiped in Spirit and Truth...

(John 4:23,24 NIV) 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

Worship of flesh and soul is over. Understand that only those who worship in Spirit (From the Tabernacle of David and in the Atmosphere of the Throne Room) can see the Truth (what is happening now)

That is, He is looking for worshipers who will come out of time and will be able to see the Father as I AM, and are able to see the Truth.

This is the conflict between religion (orphans and slaves) and the sons of God, because they are fighting the God who was with the God who is.

One of the most important and misunderstood names of God is “I Am” or “I Am NOW” and the Name “I Exist NOW” is accessible only from Glory and Atmosphere and it is this Tabernacle of David that God is restoring now!

Outside the Atmosphere, people can only have access to the things that God did, and this is the most important difference between orphans and sons.

Now there is a transition from the season of the soul worship, to the season of the worship in Spirit, and the separation of the natural from the supernatural, and also, the past from the present.

My question is, what kind of God do you see and what kind of God do you worship?



May our Heavenly Father Bless you!


"A Place for Sons" 90M

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