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Pastor Andrey Shapovalov "Organ of communication with the Creator" (06/02/24)

“Organ of communication with the Creator”
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


I am in my calling precisely because I learned one of the fundamental principles that I will share with you today.

In my opinion, the biggest dilemma in Christianity is the ability to hear the voice of God, from this all misunderstandings, confusion and failures, comes from.

Today we will talk:
1) About the organ of hearing.
2) About the method of communication of God with us.

For example, when I want to convey something to you, I use the methods of communication given to us, that is, the tongue, eyes and ears. Through these instruments I put into your consciousness what I desire.

God does not need to use our earthly methods of communication; God has the ability to immediately put pictures into our consciousness.

Understand that God lives outside of time and in order to communicate with you He needs a tool inside you, through which He can show you who you are in His reality, this is your consciousness in which God places His pictures and images.

Most of God's children are careless with their consciousness. Remember, your consciousness is not only used by you or the forces of darkness, it is also used by the creator God.

Hearing the voice of God does not mean using our ears, it means seeing what He puts into our consciousness. This is how we change, and not otherwise. THIS IS WHY GOD SEEKS PEOPLE OF FAITH, WHAT IS FAITH? IT IS TO SEE THE PICTURES OF GOD IN THE SPIRIT AND REPRODUCE THEM ON THE EARTH.

We are the only creation of God on earth that has imagination.

(Ephesians 4:17,18) Therefore I declare and insist for the Lord's sake: stop living like the heathen, whose thoughts are empty because their minds are darkened. They are alienated from the life that God gives because of their spiritual blindness, which results from the hardness of their hearts. (RSZ)

Remember, transformation begins with your consciousness.

There is no stronger person than the one who dedicated her consciousness to God. Heaven can use such a person.

God has the unique ability to bypass all the usual human methods of communication and immediately, that is, instantly, put pictures into our consciousness.

That is why without faith it is impossible to please God, because God is looking for Abrahams, Josephs, Gideons, Annas, Esthers, who will believe in what the majority are not able to believe.

From my personal practice, I observe that for most of the born again children of God, their own consciousness works against them, a person has very well learned to destroy himself through his consciousness.

That is, for some reason you allow the spirit of this world to put other pictures into your consciousness.

The unfortunate thing is that people pay very serious attention to their actions, but almost no one thinks about where their actions come from.

And so why does God put His images into your consciousness? Because you are consciousness! Only this organ is capable of simultaneously seeing, hearing, feeling, experiencing, and preparing your soul and body for anything.

Consciousness also adjusts all the organs of your body to what consciousness believes. Therefore, your consciousness is a perfect organ of communication, which was created by the Creator himself to communicate with you.

There is a unique principle here, your body, that is, your arms and legs, do not know the limits, all the limits are only in your consciousness, therefore, in sports, the preparation of your consciousness is much more important than the preparation of your muscles, although this is very important.

Solomon says: “For as he thinks in his soul (consciousness), so is he.”

That is why in the beginning it is necessary for your consciousness to change, then everything automatically changes.

What has not become part of your consciousness cannot stay in you. Remember, you always return to what you were in your consciousness and what you originally were. Therefore, the Bible says that a washed pig returns to the mud, and a dog returns to its vomit.

And so, you need to change not only what you do, but who you are in your mind.

The secret is to see yourself exactly as God sees you. This is the only way and for you and me there can be no other way.

Your reality and mine today is the past of your consciousness.

(Jer.1:5) Before I formed you in the womb, I already knew you, before you came out of the womb, I chose you; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (NRP)

This is why communication with God is vitally important to me, because only He and no one else knows who I am, only God is able to put the right picture into my consciousness.

Dear ones, if we have learned to destroy ourselves through imagination in our consciousness, let us learn to create and build ourselves through the same consciousness.

One of the scientists' studies that proves that your body and your brain cannot differentiate whether it is reality, a dream or an imagination in your mind.

That's why when you worry or worry about something, your body (your body) is already taking action, that is, you are “blown away” or you can’t keep food in your stomach and vomit everything. Why? Because your body absolutely obeys your consciousness and takes actions, even if you haven’t been there yet.

Your consciousness must be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit



May our Heavenly Father Bless you!


"Organ of communication with the Creator" 90M

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