“Who is God looking for?
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov
When we watch great and influential people fall, what do we see? If we look closely, almost all of them fall because they departed from their principles, character, and honor, or did not have principles, character, and honor.
What does a person look for in God? Identification, calling, anointing, position, etc. What does God look for in a person? Principles, character, honor, and a pure heart.
Understand, dear ones, these are the very things God cannot give to a person, principles, character, and honor, these are the product of the human heart.
This is precisely why God looks for these people.
What is a strong personality? A strong personality is not money, not the number of friends, not clothes, not a beautiful face, figure, or connections in high circles. A strong personality is a set of principles, a strong character, and honor.
That is, a personality cannot consist of something visible, a real personality consists of invisible components of honor, character, standards, and principles.
In other words, a strong personality is a set of standards and principles.
And whatever you take from me, my standards, my principles of life and my own honor, everything will be restored and returned back.
Do you have invisible components of principles and honor that protect your life, decisions and actions?
Joseph was naked as a falcon and it was his honor, principles of life and standards that were returned to him several times, everything that he lost and everything that was deprived of him.
The concept of honor is practically unknown to Christianity of recent times, most are running after gifts, calling and anointing.
We will restore the culture of honor. During the time of the apostles there was such a fear of living in lies or manipulation, none of the unclean could touch the Glory of God and remain alive.
The question is, why do most people like movies like Gladiator, Troy, 300 Spartans, etc.?
Because the main characters were those who had standards, principles, and honor for which they gave their lives.
Why are we in love with the movie The Passion of the Christ? Because the main character was God, who had standards, principles, honor, and great love.
What was Job's personality?
(Job 1:1) In the land of Uz there lived a man named Job. This man was blameless (principles) and righteous (character), lived in the fear of God, and shunned evil (honor). (NIV)
We do not see the invisible things, but pay attention to the visible. This ministry will focus on the invisible elements.
Everyone remembers the Job test, where all the visible components of greatness were removed.
God allowed everything that is now called personality to be removed from Job in order to test the invisible components.
In the process of testing, the last visible component of Job's physical body and health is removed.
Remember Job and his character. (Job 29:7-17) 7 When I went to the gate of the city and took my seat in the public square, 8 the young men saw me and stepped aside and the old men rose to their feet; 9 the chief men refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; 10 the voices of the nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths.11 Whoever heard me spoke well of me, and those who saw me commended me,12 because I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist them.13 The one who was dying blessed me; I made the widow’s heart sing.14 I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban.15 I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame.16 I was a father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger.17 I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth.(NIV)
Remember, the battle between hell and heaven is not about anointing, miracles or signs, but about the heart of man, (the invisible components) of his principles and his honor.
Those who have been in God for a long time, remember the battle of the past years, it was with the spirit of religion for Miracles, Signs, Power, casting out demons, Anointing, etc.
Now we are on another level and all the churches of the covenant have all this, and no one can say that there are no miracles, casting out demons, healings, power and the glory of God, these days this is the norm and this is very good.
Now a completely different battle has begun, which those who were before us did not meet, this is a battle for principles, standards and honor.
A battle for the invisible, of which everything visible consists.
Lately I am not interested in your gifts or anointing, but in the position of your heart, I am very interested in your principles and standards.
Because the anointing and gifts are a product of Heaven, and honor and principles are a product of the human heart.
We are now in the season of Restoring the standards of honor, fatherhood, what it means to be a husband to your wife, to be a father to your children, love for your neighbor, etc.
A prayer for the restoration of honor, principles and standards in the body of Christ.
May our Heavenly Father Bless you!
"Who is God looking for?" 100M