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"Why am I left alone?" Pastor Andrey Shapovalov (09/08/24)

“Why am I left alone?
Pastor Andrey Shapovalov


From Moses and Joseph to Jesus, almost all champions of the Bible had a moment in their lives where there was no one around them; they were completely alone. This is usually one of the hardest moments in their lives.

I want to ask the question, why in the hardest moment of my life, I have to be alone?
Why does it feel like God himself has abandoned me?

Whether you want to believe it or not, almost all of us live by playing to the public, starting with what we eat, what we wearing, to what we driving and so on... and usually our desires, are driven by someone else.

But when you are deprived of everyone and everything, you can no longer play this game, but when you left completely alone, you will always see your true essence and your own reality.

This is exactly what I personally call a desert season, where no one sees you except God, the devil and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, you don’t have to defend anything, and you can see exactly what you’re made of.

Many people want to take a position with absolutely impure hearts and motives.

People have all sorts of things in their heads: someone needs to prove something, someone needs a position of power and recognition, or someone is attracted by the aspect of money, or popularity, and whatever else is in your head.

Please understand this, it is loneliness that will clean out all the trash from your head and your heart, and leave only what is needed for your calling and blessed life.

We all need a place where everything we don’t need, will burn away and this is that place.

An example of this is Jacob, who was left alone and it was there that he realized who he was.

(Genesis 32:24-28 NIV) 24 Now Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of day. 25 When he saw that he could not prevail, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip, so that his hip was dislocated while he was wrestling with him. 26 Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob answered, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27 He asked, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. 28 Then he said, “Henceforth your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have wrestled with God and men and have prevailed.

Moses was left alone to sort out his motives, Joseph was left alone to sort out his motives, Jesus was left completely alone in the desert, We all hate loneliness, that's why even in maximum security prisons, the hardest punishment is "solitary confinement," that is, deprivation of all contact and communication with people.

How about David.
(1 Samuel 20:42 NIV) 42 Jonathan said to David:- Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship to each other in the name of the Lord, saying: "The Lord is witness between you and me and between your descendants and my descendants forever."

Why do all champions need a moment of solitude?

Because it is precisely where you are deprived of any support; your true essence as a person is revealed, what you are capable of and what you are called to do.
Many people failed at this very moment, and this is precisely why they have not succeeded.

Those who need constant encouragement, praise and support, will never get far in life.

Instead, ask God to lead you to a place where you only move by pure motives and love.

Loneliness can only bring two results, the first is bitterness and the second is humility, and it is up to you to choose which one you will choose.

Jesus was also left alone.
(Luke 22:40-46 NIV) 40 When Jesus came to the place, he said, “Pray that you will not be tempted.” 41 He moved away from them about a stone’s throw away, knelt down and began to pray, 42 “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me, but let it be done not according to my will, but according to yours.” 43 Then an angel appeared to him from heaven and strengthened him. 44 In his agony, Jesus prayed even more fervently, and his sweat became like great drops of blood, falling down to the ground. 45 He arose from prayer and returned to the disciples and found them sleeping, for they were overcome with grief. 46 “Why are you sleeping?” he asked. “Get up and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation.”

If you have never been alone with yourself, you have no idea what is inside you or what you are made and capable of.

May our Heavenly Father Bless you!


"Why am I left alone?" 100M

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